The REAL thoughts, Musings and Movements of Lauren Michele~One[1]L in REAL TIME. Enjoy the ride!

Posts tagged ‘Relationships’

*NEW SERIES* L’s DateTales


As promised in my last post, Lauren Michele Live is coming. Today, I am super-excited to bring to you guys the first episode of my new series L’s DateTales.

There’s a  brief intro at the beginning of the episode but since it’s only on the screen for like 5 seconds I’ve provided some details below.

As a late twenty-something woman who attended college in a very thriving metro filled with pretty people (Beautiful people if you went to school where I did), I’ve been on my share of “dates.” The Dating Game was nothing new to me, after my psychology professor, Dr. Bell told us we should “date around” when we’re young(studies said this or something) I was downright a seasoned pro at getting a free meal.

Then came the move… Nothing quite prepared me for the UNADULTERATED TOMFOOLERY I would encounter once I left Atlanta and moved “up north.”

These are those stories.  “DateTales.”


Last Single Gal Standing?

Adj.1. Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another

This is the word of the day or perhaps the season as a few unrelated members of The Council (my inner circle of BEST friends) stated how they were living through me. Not that my life is super fantastic (although it’s pretty great) it’s mostly as a result of my suddenly interesting dating life. Now most of my council members are all damn near married so we would think that I would be trying to live through them.

I’m too tired to go into the whole inner-workings of my recent popularity BUT I can at least say the following:

It almost feels like I’m on a dramedy in a low-key love triangle type thing…except the only L-words folk should be using at this stage should be “LAUREN”…

Also, the situation up here is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than Connecticut. Apparently, the one council member who’s remedy to my tales of tom-foolery was “You just need to move!” was sage advice.

More tales to come…but I find the recent use of this delightful vocabulary word…quite noteworthy.

The Company You Keep *Epiphany*

I’ve been thinking a lot about the company I keep and my thoughts brought me to this point where I’m cleansing my life of the tom foolery I’ve been entertaining from men folk. Below is part 1 of my series listing the things I can’t stand that I’m putting a stop too. Chief among them, is giving out my phone number and responding to nonsensical people talking about nonsensical things.


Dang, Can I Live?! Taking a Breather, Don’t Take It Personal

Do you ever just want to be left alone sometimes? You ever just don’t want to go anywhere or do anything and furthermore, you don’t want to be asked 10,000 questions about it?

That’s me, at times.  Every once in a while I go through a moment of hibernation (oh the joys of living ALONE) where I don’t feel like answering the phone and/or talking to folk. This is usually amplified if I’m in a transitional season in my life and I’m using this quiet time to really focus. The FIRST thing I axe are idle conversations. If I can look at the phone and predict what you’re calling about, I’m not picking up. My prediction of, “you don’t want anything (important) ” is oftentimes correct. I’ll allow texting on some days to ensure that I’m still alive, this way worriers don’t find their way to my doorstep, but past that back up.

Oh, and the 1,376,459 questions drive me nuts, but chief among them is: “how’s the job search going?” If I could get away with cussing out  any and every person who ask me that question and it still be seen as a nice representation of Christ on the earth I would do it in a heartbeat, because that question gets me every time.

I mean EVERY TIME, no matter who it’s coming from, it will raise my blood pressure a few points because if we’re cool enough to where you know that I may be looking for a job then I would have updated you if anything changed. SO YOU DONT HAVE TO KEEP ASKING ME! Usually, if you ask me that just one time, you’re automatically added to the no answer-no response list and that goes for everybody. Even family. I think  the fam has gotten the hint  not to ask me and just go straight to my mom (good move).

I still remember like it was yesterday, back in 2010 (after I had semi recently graduated) I lived in this house where we had gotten a new roommate and EVERYDAY, any time he saw me, he would without fail ask: “how’s the job search going?” Now, am I the only one that sees that as a stupid ass question? If I’m not at work or making preparations to go to work then clearly it’s not going much of anywhere is it? So unless you’re talking to me because you have a job lead NOT a suggestion, but an actual tangible lead please #STFU and Get out of my face! Immediately.

For those that don’t get it let me break it down for you.  I understand that you may be concerned, you genuinely care, and/or you think it’s a natural conversation starter for someone you haven’t heard from in a while, BUT LET ME ASSURE YOU, the absolute last thing they want to discuss is their job search. UNLESS  the person recently got a new job, don’t touch the subject. You can either let them UPDATE you naturally or just assume that, if they didn’t mention anything, it’s because there’s nothing to tell. While I know what the saying is about people who assume, please understand you look like a bigger *bleep* asking a question you can easily figure out the answer too on a topic that people don’t like to discuss…so please just sit back.

*whew* I just had to get that off my chest because unless you are subsidizing my living you don’t need to worry about what I’M Doing…and that’s REAL.

Today I’m actually cool, I just had this revelation, that people really need to have a seat worrying about my goings on. After the interrogations I received, I’m feeling like: ‘well damn, Can I Live?!?’ Didn’t we just discuss on Monday the virtue of minding YOUR own business? I guess I’m just an advocate of conversations having purpose so if we don’t have anything new or interesting to discuss nor do you need me for something, I see absolutely no reason for us to be on the phone.

This song speaks directly to this point of being left alone.